Kids Book Plate Stickers
Regular price $12.00
Encourage reading in your little ones and let them personalize their library with the cutest bookplate stickers for your kiddos.
Set includes 2 pages of 13 stickers, for 26 stickers total.
Stickers read:
"This book has been loved by ___"
"This book is very special to ___"
"This book makes ___ giggle a lot!"
"From the library of a proud book nerd"
"Please return to ___ because I spent all of my book fair money on it"
"These adventures belong to ___"
"This well-loved book belongs to ___"
"These fictional friends belong to ___"
"These pages are magic to ___"
"___'s favorite book at age ___"
"These stories mean a lot to ___"
"This super duper awesome book belongs to ___"
"___ could read this book a million times and never get sick of it"
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